Jupyter accessibility meetings 2021
Jupyter accessibility meetings 2021#
01.13.21 Meeting Minutes#
Max @telamonian
Thomas @manfromjupyter
Martha @marthacryan
Jason @jasongrout
Tony @tonyfast
Isabela @isabela-pf
Darian @afshin
Alex @ajbozarth
Happy new year!
Hooray for JupyterLab 3.0! Congrats and kudos who everyone who worked hard on it.
What are people working on?#
Go around the meeting area and ask.
#149 - Realized I needed to add more to lumino and not jupyter lab for the toggleable stuff
Tota11y toolbar (recommended by Thomas) is a potential tool for testing this.
How does a labeling something as a checkbox with ARIA roles differ from using a true HTML checkbox? Using HTML as intended usually works better, and screen readers will comment which one it is.
Needs help with setting up linked lumino JLab set up to test the work around roles that need to be assigned in lumino.
Everytime you make a change in lumino, rebuild lumino before JLab.
Going through #9491
Interest in creating a binder that also reflects changes in Lumino to help each other testing all these things.
Other times to pair program on this?
how to work on both lumino and JLab at once: https://github.com/jupyterlab/jupyterlab/blob/master/docs/source/developer/contributing.rst#testing-changes-to-external-packages
in progress lumino PR for ARIA roles for tabs: https://github.com/jupyterlab/lumino/pull/132
Martha may review?
Willing to provide support.
Posted https://github.com/jupyterlab/team-compass/issues/98#issuecomment-752748519 (thank you!)
If someone wants something to do that wonât step on other peopleâs toes, lot of elements need either to be hidden or revealed. Card: https://github.com/orgs/jupyterlab/projects/1#card-50646346 as part of #9399. I included a bunch of screenshots if you wanted to started working through it or section by section? https://imgur.com/a/6HvOcYK
Jason: not actively working on something here specifically, but still available for questions and discussion
Alex and Darian: not actively working on something here, but want to keep track and stay part of the discussion.
What we need to work on#
We need to take stock of whatâs being worked on and split up the work we know we need to do.
Here is the project for tracking accessibility (should have all issues and PRs we know of)(can be reorganized if we have different needs for sorting).
First priorities include:
#9491 This will make it possible to evaluate JupyterLab with a screenreader so we can both be aware of more problems and actually check that fixes are working.
#9399 (broken up into steps on the project, click on card to make issue when we are ready to work on it). WCAG 2.1 specifications.
Editor? Is #4878 a first priority right now?
Right to left (RTL) language support?
We will likely be working in areas where these changes need to be made for labeling reasons, so we may want to see if we can include this support at the same time. Especially now that we have RTL language transalations for JLab to test it with (Gonzalo knows more). More info in issues #3046 and #1163.
Other Notes#
Feedback on accessibility event funding.
Update: Probably shouldnât rely on it. Itâs status isnât certain with the pandemic.
01.27.21 Meeting Minutes#
(oops! No one signed in today so I gave my best guess.) Max @telamonian Thomas @manfromjupyter Martha @marthacryan Jason @jasongrout Tony @tonyfast Alex @ajbozarth Karla @karlasupldaro Isabela @isabela-pf
What are people working on?#
How is everyone doing?
Come up with different intro questions :upside_down_face:
Does it make sense to have these meeting notes documented outside an issue? I think thereâs enough content there that itâs hard to navigate if you arenât just looking for the first or last comment. - Yes! Letâs propose a place in the Jupyter accessibility repo.
Can we make an issue about adding accessibility tests to the JupyterLab development process? - I was reminded by the discussion started on JupyterLab Classic #80. - Iâve also listed some existing tests. We should review these to see if they could work or give us a baseline for working with lumino or jupyterlab components. - squizlabs / HTML_CodeSniffer - IBMâs accessibility-checker - AccessLint / accesslint.js - pa11y / pa11y - dequelabs / axe-core
Should we also make an issue reminding us to make accessibility docs as we make all the WCAG and other changes?
Check in! In the JLab team meeting, we have accessibility listed as an issue people are working on within the JLab 4.0 timeline. What scope do we want to report? Are we working on #9339 and #9491 only right now, or is someone planning to work on the editor? - #9339 and #9491 for sure. Editor changes are still being researched so mark it as possible but uncertain.
Max started working on #9491
Probably JupyterLab and not lumino level fixes.
With Maxâs PR, this should cover #9491!
Tonyâs PR should cover all landmarks.
Only thing left is making it so screen readers can access those different labels.
How does this interact with JLab themes? We need to test what this PR means visually.
Other Notes#
Spatial experience and vision
Thomas says you are generally not supposed to label things that will be accessed via screen reader with left, right, here, so on because it doesnât really mean anything to those users.
In CSS classes or other areas not accessed by a screen reader, this is okay.
Tab index convention
Seems like the main recommendation is to set everything to tabindex 0 (because it defaults to the browser).
Does this work for JupyterLab?
-1 means you arenât going to see it. For example a is a tab and buttons are tabbed, so there is possibility for things being tabbed twice. So sometimes -1 is to avoid redundancy.
Tabs are only for people to jump to those regions. They do not define the region or header/hierarchy. But tab puts you in those places to then announce the region or header.
Merged PRs (letâs celebrate!)#
Martha merged lumino #149! :tada:
Max merged lumino #150! :confetti_ball:
Isabela merged jupyterlab #9335! :sunflower:
Next steps#
Propose moving accessibility meeting notes to the accessibility repo so they are easier to search.
Follow up on test/CI ideas
Update accessibility project with merged PRs
Start issue for adding accessibility page to docs
Add resources to contributing guidelines encouraging people to read up on accessibility.
Will note the next five steps they recommend focusing on and make relevant issues.
Work on #9622
Review Marthaâs #149 PR
Work on PR for #9491
Continue on #9648 reviewing visual impact and with a JupyterLab-style class name.
02.10.21 Meeting minutes#
Max @telamonian
Tony @tonyfast
Alex @ajbozarth
Martha @marthacryan
Jason @jasongrout
Isabela @isabela-pf
Nick @bollwyvl
Thomas @manfromjupyter
What are people working on?#
Keyboard shortcuts and default keyboard navigation with assistive devices. This Came up with this PR JLab #9031 but it seems like it could be a bigger discussion for understanding how these things interact now and in the future.
Thanks to Thomas for replying here!
Max has been working on a new filebrowser. Trying to bake accessibility in on a low level. Issue with notes:
Using the WAI ARIA spec for grid and table properties. These not only need regular labels, but also descriptions for how they are nested and a flag for the position.
Max would like feedback/for someone to test it with a screenreader.
This is a really helpful exploration that should help us with other tables used in JupyterLab. Further references with a treegrid example are here.
Question on Maxâs lumino PR conflicts with https://github.com/jupyterlab/jupyterlab/pull/9622 - Martha reviewed it and is clarifying what labels they are using across PRs so that they are consistent.
Marthaâs PR at #9622 is ready for final review and to be merged after one more commit to match labels across PRs.
For testing: pa11y -s, âstandard
the accessibility standard to use: Section508 (U.S. focused), WCAG2A, WCAG2AA (default), WCAG2AAA â only used by htmlcs runner numfocus GSoC team would be a solid team for working on accessibility docs
Other Notes#
Isabela opened
#9742 because Iâve had some people asking me about accessibility tests elsewhere and I wanted a place to collect the discussion as it relates to JLab.
an issue on the accessibility repo about best practices for accessibility docs
As a last check, remember to ask yourself if things need to be translated. - ARIA values usually need it - Table headers might need to be translated? This is worth further research. - Data in a table does not need to be.
Funding discussion
Possible Canadian grant:
NSF, NIH, DoE (both of them) NSF future of work https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2021/nsf21548/nsf21548.htm
Does documentation seem like a good project to get outside help on?
Accessibility workshop updates! There isnât something we can share now, but people are working on it and there should be updates in the next few weeks.
Merged PRs (letâs celebrate!)#
Tony merged #9648! :tada: Thanks to Thomas, Martha, and Max for reviewing it! Congrats, all!
02.24.21 Meeting Minutes#
Jason Grout @jasongrout
Saul Shanabrook @saulshanabrook
Tony @tonyfast
Isabela @isabela-pf
Alex @ajbozarth
Max @telamonian
Martha @marthacryan
Adam @adpatter
Thomas @manfromjupyter
And more!
What are people working on?#
Should I mention people for feedback on the meeting minutes PR? It isnât urgent, but I donât know who would be good to ask.
codemirror 6 talk about accessebility: http://bofh.nikhef.nl/events/FOSDEM/2021/D.javascript/codemirror.webm
tabindex was not that hard, but the rest is hard.
working on https://github.com/jupyterlab/jupyterlab/issues/9686 i am having a hard time understanding what happens to the focus on the sidebar.
it is an li with divâs inside, replacing with anchors doesnt ever seem to find focus
linking setup example https://jupyterlab.readthedocs.io/en/latest/developer/contributing.html#testing-changes-to-external-packages
Probably should add a very concrete example of linking the Lumino packages to develop Lumino and test against JupyterLab
Learning to code through working on JupyterLab accessability? Good first issues?
currently organized issues https://github.com/orgs/jupyterlab/projects/1
Thomasâs issues are a good (Thanks Thomas!)
This is the issue that covers what we need to do to be able to meet WCAG 2.1 standards. We are breaking it up into other issues to work on bit by bit as well (scroll to the bottom of the issue). https://github.com/jupyterlab/jupyterlab/issues/9399
possible scipy 2021 talk
talk notes: https://github.com/telamonian/tree-finder/tree/scipy-2021-talk-proposal/docs/scipy_2021
collaborators welcome
How can we support the work for tablists at #9622
Martha replies that that it needs to be rebased from Maxâs lumino PR and then it will be ready.
For the typescript gods, next priority imo for accessibility are the list items from this comment: https://github.com/jupyterlab/team-compass/issues/98#issuecomment-768800666
Other notes#
Follow up on accessibility workshop status?
Having a meeting later today
lumino + jlab dev notes: https://jupyterlab.readthedocs.io/en/latest/developer/contributing.html#testing-changes-to-external-packages
Saul was working on a binder here that links all lumino packages to juptyerlab: https://github.com/saulshanabrook/binder-jupyterlab-dev/blob/master/binder/postBuild
setup an intermediate meeting for learning about accessibility and contributing to jupyterlab.
Next Steps#
Set up binder to show lumino changes instanly for development testing. (Tony, Martha, maybe Max)
Get merge rights for accessibility repo (Isabela)
Gather a set of resources/guides to help start up our newcomers.(Isabela)
Add specific example to lumino development docs that shows how to link it up to JupyterLab (?)
Rebase #9622 to have it ready for review (Martha)
Next week meeting to get people up to speed on accessibility efforts (Isabela, Tony, Saul)
Review #9399 so you get context for what we are doing and we have a good place to start talking (Anyone trying to catch up on our current work)
03.10.21 Meeting Minutes#
What are people working on?#
Looking into writing a CZI grant with the support of Tania and maybe Tony? Just an FYI. I will keep you updated.
Trying to write a roadmap of what we are doing that is not just a Github project or made of issues because people keep asking me what we are doing.
nbconvert jinja templates are not accessible, they are just divs. If we made them header elements, then nbviewer will be accessbile
Thomas: Could make them accessible just with roles
nbiewer: https://nbviewer.jupyter.org/
For context nbviewer is a ânotebook viewerâ.
Ex:https://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/ipython/ipython/blob/6.x/examples/IPython Kernel/Index.ipynb
It lets you view a jupyter notebook and send that link around
Github will also render jupyter notebooks, like it renders markdown. But it does a bad job of it, its very slow
Thomas: Why make them look good? Search engine optimization?
Nick: There is no SEO, all robots turned off. Its a way public notebooks can be shared
This could be a good first issue (because no typescript!)and it still imapcts the comunity.
binder for jupyterlab development making changes in lumino jupyter/accessibility #20.
Get all the low vision stuff in one place so people can start jumping into it
Ask Gonzalo a question to follow up on internationalization work and overlap with low vision/zoom support. Where are the packages
A lot of this work seems to be focused on helping folks with vision problems. Have any of them come on this working call? Possibly related to grants, for paying people to help diagnose what the main problems are?
At least one person has. Many people donât necessarily disclose why they have the knowlegde they do for us, so Iâm unsure.
Needs to follow up on Maxâs lumino PR and move forward as much as she can with the related JupyterLab PR. :)
Other notes#
Follow up on accessibility workshop meeting (two weeks ago)?
There should be an email this week following up with people who expressed interest in running workshops to check if they are still interested
Next Steps#
Review deathbeds/accessibility #4. (Isabela)
Edit/update jupyter/accessibility readme to have accurate information about these meetings. (Isabela)
Get a roadmap draft ready for review (Isabela)
Review jupyter/accessibility #20. (Isabela)
Martha - finish review of Maxâs lumino PR so that the JL PR can be rebased off of that
Actually just took another look and approved
Start funding/grant discussion for jupyter/accessibility to keep people updated and support other opportunities. (Isabela)
Publish language packages that have full localization so people can test them (Gonzalo)
04.07.21 Meeting Minutes#
What are people working on?#
Checking out the focus part of this issue. Not sure if changes are for lumino or JL but I suspect itâs lumino
Thereâs also no visual indicator of focus which has made this more difficult to test. Browser dev modes should be able to expose this.
Coming back to jupyterlab/jupyterlab #8832 with the sidebar and command palette. Iâm trying to unpack where all the elements I need to change are in the code.
Closing issues in the accessibility repo.
Tried to set up local JLab for development. Got blocked but will return.
Checking in about whether or not/how arrow keys are reserved for keyboard navigation in order to move forward with an issue.
Using just arrow keys is not best practice. Itâs best they are reserved.
Has been looking into accessibility testing ecosystem. Lots of JS tools, no Python tools. Some component systems seem to have built in support.
How do we move forward with this? Should there be an extension? Can we have this in core JupyterLab?
Shared focus-visible to follow up on focus discussion.
Other notes#
Next Steps#
Update jupyterlab/jupyterlab #9742 with current testing discussion info (Isabela)
jupyterlab/jupyterlab #8832 (Isabela)
Continue working on the focus section of 9491 (Martha)
04.21.21 Meeting Minutes#
What are people working on?#
Found out that JLab has a focus manager that might override native browser focus (which could cause us a lot of accesibility problems potentially). It looks like this might not cause a problem because
It is inherrited from lumino
Merged jupyterlab/lumino #174 setting
to 0 in the menubar. Be on the look out for if this breaks anything unexpectedly.Thomas says the only reason he can think of that you can hard code a tabindex is if you need an area to be focused first, but itâs better practice to rearrange the HTML to do what you want.
role=menuitem needs a tabindex assigned to make sure this gets the proper treatment.
Menu items also need a
ARIA label.Closed #9491 :tada:
Draft PR jupyterlab/jupyterlab #10126 for proof of concept making sure the
is going in the right place. Looking for feedback on where that component fits in JupyterLabâs architecture.Thomas says skiplink always needs to be the first thing on a page, all hacks aside.
Max says it might make the most sense to implement it as a widget and add it that way. Put the generalizable part of the code into the widget and the rest elsewhere.
Martha and MJ think it might make more sense to add it to an existing widget because it is a small amount of code and should be in all front ends. If thatâs the case, Martha and Max think
in here inshell.ts
is the best place for it to live not as an extension.
Integrated Galata and axe-core to get some testing and automated reports started.
First round of CZI grant application was accepted so weâll be working on the next step. You can read the full letter of intent at jupyter/accessibility #44. I think weâll also be looking for community review for this next step?
Workshop updates on jupyter/accessibility #43. Iâm trying to follow up with that.
My attempts on fixing color contrast in the sidebar and command palette have a very very very draft PR at jupyterlab/jupyterlab #10101. I may not be capable of making all the changes I want myself, but I am trying to do all I can on my own first.
Next Steps#
Be aware of the focus manager and be on the look out for any problems it might cause (everyone)
Work on the skiplink PR based on in-meeting feedback and let us know when itâs ready for review! (MJ)
Get a testing demo running (Tony)
Fix CZI PDF PR to be in a different directory (Isabela)
Work on the sidebar and command palette color contrast PR and let us know when itâs ready for review (Isabela)
05.05.21 Meeting Minutes#
What are people working on?#
Looking for review on jupyterlab/jupyterlab #10126, a pull request to address
needs discussed at #9688.Martha and Max followed up, thank you!
It seems like a suggestion may have broken the implementation, so we are trying to get it working again.
Still focusing mainly on grant writing.
Havenât gotten to work on the draft color contrast PR at jupyterlab/jupyterlab #10146.
How do we keep up community momentum?
Next Steps#
Changes to get skiplink merged
Grant writing update and public review
05.19.21 Meeting Minutes#
What are people working on?#
We did introductions since we had new attendees! Hooray!
Interested in getting an overview of what we are doing here and what needs to be done still.
May have interest in mentored sprints or other community events to help get a Jupyter interface accessible.
Looking for guidance on where is the next useful place to contrubute
Checking tab index and skiplink status
Workshop funding follow up jupyter/accessibility #43. Need feedback on âthe jupyter/accessibility team have the best visibility onto what would make the most impact. What advise would you have for how to best use these resources?â
CZI grant submitted. We wonât hear for a few months, so Iâll be back to color contrast.x
Jason reviewed skip links implementation: https://github.com/jupyterlab/jupyterlab/issues/10268
Follow up with MJ about availability
Next Steps#
Follow up on skiplink status (Isabela)
Next steps for keyboard navigation (check for positive tab index values, potential skiplink next steps) (Martha)
Workshop follow up (Everyone can post at #43)
Color contrast PR jlab #10146(Isabela)
Binderhub AWS policy
Priority issues: https://github.com/jupyterlab/jupyterlab/issues/9399
06.02.21 Meeting Minutes#
What are people working on?#
JupyterLab dev mode not reflecting changes. Help please?
Note to self: you can run
jupyter lab --dev-mode --watch
Some workshop ideas have been added to jupyter/accessibility #43.
Does anyone know what JupyterHub and/or BinderHub issues, PRs, or other discussions factored in to the blocking of AWS?
Yjs now supports CodeMirror v6 which has better accessibility support: https://github.com/yjs/y-codemirror.next
This should make it pretty easy to switch to CodeMirror 6 at Jupyter
jlab 4.0 roadmap (mentions codemirror 6): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1r6_ySd18xZwfPexdmlkdFhHUWynaza0zXjrxMMIoLWw/edit
Next Steps#
Review github project to make sure itâs accurate and target next steps for work (Isabela)
PR with docs for Nickâs magic lumino + jlab binder
Follow up on RTC and accessibility. What are next steps for making progress there? (Isabela)
Thomas: âI think easiest way to do the RTC piece for screenreaders AFTER the product supports reading and editing first, would be to just add screenreader only alerts that simple says âTony recently edited the document.â Could say what they added for extra credit. The WCAG requirement now is merey that they are ntofiicated if âcontent changed dynamicallyââ
Get #10146 for color contrast to a review state (Isabela).
Follow up about CodeMirror 6 (Isabela and Kevin)
Follow up about accessibility workshop jupyter/accessibility #43
06.16.21 Meeting Minutes#
Oops! No one signed in.
What are people working on?#
#10146 was merged! This made some color contrast fixes to the filebrowser and command palette.
There are still more to-do fixes on the issue it draws from. Has anyone worked on/know where the various search UIs (in the file browser, command palette, and/or extensions) are in the code base?
Iâm going to the BinderHub team meeting later today to follow up on the AWS blocking and get request a long-term solution.
Accessibility workshop follow up! We are aiming to have an event by late August/early September.
Someone pointed me to W3Câs Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines. Passing it on.
Kevin and Cameron
Accessibility considerations in RTC commenting?
07.14.21 Meeting Minutes#
What are people working on?#
Isabela and Tony
Jupyter Accessibility Workshop
We discussed an alternative sprint method for adding alt text to documentation. This does not create regular contributors, but it might solve a big problem and help people learn about accessibility.
What could be another goal? Getting a group of people who want to be involved with Jupyter but donât know how a place to start.
Looking for feedback on lumino #187. - Darian says that this should be two PRs. One for focus. One for the expected keyboard bindings.
Is this PR still viable? jupyterlab #6369
It is a draft, so we canât do anything to the existing PR. At best we could open a new PR.
Next steps#
Remove keybindings work on lumino #187 and mark it ready for review (Martha)
Start new lumino PR for keybindings and focus in menus (Martha)
Test documentation sprint on July 21 (Tony and Isabela) (and anyone else who wants to join!)
Review jupyterlab #8832 and jupyterlab #1008 for next steps on color contrast (Isabela)
07.28.21 Meeting Minutes#
What are people working on?#
Merged jupyterlab/lumino #187 :tada:
Looking for next thing to work on!
Maybe the next step for skiplink to make there by a list of skiplinks for the different areas. Most recent skiplink PR
Curious about what is happening here!
We talked about testing some. Maybe recording and comparing videos might help for tracking interactions and avoiding accessibility regressions.
Playwright? blog post
How can we support projects
and Tony: Jupyter accessibility workshop. You can track the work here.
Very work-in-progress alt text guide/review checklist based on feedback. Hopefully this can go to many projects once we have a working draft.
We are supposed to be hearing back about the CZI grant soon.
Binder isnât blocking providers anymore (issue #1828). Hooray!
Curious about intersection of accssibility & internationalization effort i.e alt text in non-English?
Next steps#
Review jupyterlab #8832 and jupyterlab #1008 for next steps on color contrast (Isabela)
Test documentation sprint with NumPy on July 28 (Tony and Isabela) (and anyone else who wants to join!)
08.11.21 Meeting Minutes#
What are people working on?#
Jenn and Erik
Hello from Space Telescope Science Institute and Astropy!
Jupyter notebooks arenât accessible and weâd like them to be.
Weâve been working with GLAS Education to test our own work with blind and visually impaired people.
documentation as an area also lacking accessibility
Still trying to get pydata-sphinx-theme PRs merged (Lighthouse testing and pa11y testing)
question: are outputs returned by kernel, say data frames, accessible/is it being worked on by anyone? I know there is a lot of work on UX, but I wonder how much work will be there in downstream packages which provide outputs
[Max] if youâre talking about the fancy pandas dataframe rendering, the answer is definitely not. There are wcag/aria specs for how to make a grid accessible, tho
[Jason] That would be awesome if the frontend supported some innate dataframe mimetype which it could render in an accessible way
(https://github.com/jupyterlab/jupyterlab/pull/10727/files#r685601307)Should this be defined from the toolbar button instead of the tooltip?
Isabela will test the binder and see how the current implmentation works.
Next steps#
08.25.21 Meeting Minutes#
What are people working on?#
Trying to contribute a Jupyter accessibility design heâd used reccently as shown here. Needs to follow up with the trademark community.
Accessible authoring practices for notebooks. How can we support this for authors, not just accessibility in interface.
Like what was being discussed at jupyter/accessibility #37
Isabela: is Authoring Tools Accessibility Guidelines related?
Nick: https://w3c.github.io/annotation-aria/#annotation-model-mappings
PyData Sphinx PRs need updating, but that would also be helpful.
nbconvert accessible output templates?
Workshop! Running several smaller events and want to release the final dates i the next week.
Nick says Something like pytest-check-links but for alt text?
Ideas for other events
Take accessibility PRs that have been made and dissect them to get more understanding from Jupyter experts in the community.
Next steps#
Follow up with the trademark committee (Max)
Update PyData sphinx theme PRs for Lighthouse and pa11y testing. (Nick)
Ask Martha about explaining how accessibility needs to fit in to Jupyter (Isabela)
Follow up/finish alt text guide for workshop (Isabela)
09.08.21 Meeting Minutes#
What are people working on?#
PyData Sphinx themeâs pa11y testing PR has been merged! :tada: Thanks to Nick!
Jupyter accessibility workshop efforts can be tracked on the workshop repo and the first two events are scheduled for October 2 and October 9.
More announcements to come soon!
If you are interested in helping moderate this event, weâd love to hear from you.`
The CZI grant for Jupyter accessibility efforts did get funded!
Our official start is at the beginning of October, so more info to come.
The a PDF of full application is public and includes a timeline and work we are commited to.
Outside of Jupyter-specific work, there is also multi-project interest in developing SPEC(s) for accessibility practices in open source. You can join the discussion here.
Next steps#
Formal announcement of accessibility workshops (Isabela and Tony)
Connect with other community workshop people (Isabela)
09.22.21 Meeting Minutes#
What are people working on?#
Weâve been focusing on proposals and planning, but less on JupyterLab specific.
Where does RetroLab fit with #9399
Navigating cells in notebook with a keyboard is difficult. Mike has been working on something locally to resolve this, but it likely wonât be in PR form any time soon because of other projects.
If anyone is working on this area of code or the interface, please let him know.
Mention him if you are looking for review on PRs.
CodeMirror 6
Still in the air because it will break things so we need someone willing to stand behind breaking things.
Kevin has some knowledge about CodeMirror 6 and may be a good point of contact for this.
How does rich text fit in with this? Does it make sense to have rich text cells? (ProseMirror or https://www.tiptap.dev/?)
Next Steps#
Talk about CodeMirror 6 again at the beginning of October
10.6.21 Meeting Minutes#
What are people working on?#
Lumino documentation is lacking and it can interfere with this work.
Who would document, give a tutorial, talk, anything?
Grant process has begun! Myself and people in charge of me are working on bringing in new people to spend dedeicated development time on this.
Iâm watching this ipython/ipython PR and hoping to see it merged.
Where does RetroLab fit?
It isnât core JupyterLab (currently) (this comment describes how it could be in core in the future) but has a more streamlined interface that might influence the experience.
CodeMirror 6
Estimated to take at least one month for a single full-time developer
5 and 6 donât have full parity, so that path isnât perfectly clear. You need to account time for that.
Kevin is interested in this and would like to work with others.
Martha may also be able to help!
Next Steps#
10.20.21 Meeting Minutes#
What are people working on?#
Jupyter accessibility workshops are going through budget approvals now. Thatâs where Iâll be halfway through our meeting today.
October 25 I will have someone starting with development time devoted to JupyterLab accessibility. Yay! Youâll get to meet them soon. (This is made possible by the CZI EOSS grant)
This also means Iâll have devoted time for accessibility again, so this will help me go back to making contributions.
funding question
needs to be scoped
can have external partners
needs follow up
Mike: just highlighting file system review in https://github.com/jupyterlab/design
Extensions and accessibility assessment. Are extensions in the JupyterLab organization the next step?
is there an accessibility repo?
but no repo as for today
might be worth to have a repo with acessibility team-compas and to upload artifacts (slides/notes/recommendations) and link to these notes
Next Steps#
Follow up with Jenn about funding (Isabela+)
11.03.21 Meeting Minutes#
What are people working on?#
Jason has been working on formatting keyboard shortcuts, adhering to OS conventions:
https://github.com/jupyterlab/lumino/pull/258 (with some exploratory work in https://github.com/jupyterlab/lumino/pull/257). Most of the work affects how keyboard shortcuts are displayed on Mac especially, and I tried to check how things are presented in VoiceOver. I would love if someone would double-check my work when it gets released to make sure it works well with screen readers.
Mike: some older articles (2014) highlighted issues with other screen readers: https://www.deque.com/blog/dont-screen-readers-read-whats-screen-part-1-punctuation-typographic-symbols/
Mike: tracking
in https://github.com/jupyterlab/lumino/issues/261 (help wanted!)
Jason also is working on switching to using the system font on all platforms: https://github.com/jupyterlab/jupyterlab/pull/11388. The end result of this is that Linux moves from Arial to the system font, which seems to be more readable and wider spacing. You can see examples of the difference by looking at the differences in the screenshots that are updated by the PR.
Nick says JupyterLab-fonts (could) add
from fontsourceMike: JupyterLab Desktop ships a custom set of fonts (we may need to account for that)
Should this be a pattern for a theme builder because variables allow for better manipulation and adjustment of things like button sizes or input box sizes.
Would there be use in a DOM specification similar to nbformat?
Tania, Gabriel, Tony, Isabela
You can keep up with grant efforts at Quansight-Labs/jupyter-a11y-mgmt and this will be reported again at meetings in the future.
Thanks to Jason (and whoever else) for contributing docs. I was able to get JupyterLab dev environment up really quickly (less than 1 hour)
Just wanted to let Gabriel know - you can reach out to me anytime with questions through gitter!
Is anyone in contact/know status of Johanâs work on the CodeMirror6 migration?
Work is in progress (there). CodeMirror6 introduces a completly new API that brings some challenge. So Johan is focusing on having a first draft PR without carry too much about styles/modes and extensions. So people can start to test it and we will be able to evaluate what work is remaining (in particular if some CodeMirror extensions needs to be ported from 5 to 6).
I will test Fast Design components from Microsoft and report here.
Next steps#
Address request for feedback on Jason and Mikeâs work listed above
Mike https://github.com/jupyterlab/lumino/issues/261 (help wanted!)
Frederic will check in with Johan about CodeMirror 6
Isabela will update the JupyterLab accessibility project to make sure itâs ready for people to pick work off again.
11.17.21 Meeting Minutes#
Jason Grout
Jason Weill
Gabriel (Quansight, @gabalafou)
What are people working on?#
Shared with us: Accessibility notebook experiment exploring sound interactions
Jason Grout mentioned colab-a11y-utils. It may be good to explore this package.
working on a windowed notebook - this will certainly raise accessibility issue
Headers may already not be working well. jupyterlab/jupyterlab #11374 Anchors are not working properly
Virtual rendering in other contexts: Google Docs, genome browsers
Testing basic components against accessiblity: sharing an example from VS Code (didnot look at the techno used):
https://microsoft.github.io/vscode-webview-ui-toolkit/ - This is a storybook website that got a Accessibility tests report
GitHub repo: https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-webview-ui-toolkit
Notebook 7 efforts are meant to include accessibility efforts more info on the plan for Notebook 7
Nick mentions wanting resources that help accessibility be a part of development as a focus of the repo. Should we be testing things like Lorenz notebook in accessibility tests?
Jason W
Resources for working on jupyterlab, retrolab, other packages simultaneously?
Poking around the JupyterLab code base, running Galata tests
With the CZI EOSS grant, we will be updating our progress via a roadmap.
Letâs talk about the current draft roadmap PR.
What information would you all want on this roadmap?
Linking to issues might be nice. Which issues make sense (we have duplicate issues across some repositories)?
Add another page âchangelogâ that lists what we have completed when things get moved off the roadmap.
Are there repository labels/tags that make sense to link to?
12.01.21 Meeting Minutes#
Name |
Organization |
GitHub Handle |
tony fast |
quansight |
@tonyfast |
R Ely |
Bloomberg |
@ohrely |
Chadi Abi Fadel |
American University of Beirut |
@real-slim-chadi |
Isabela Presedo-Floyd |
Quansight Labs |
@isabela-pf |
Frederic Collonval |
QuantStack |
@fcollonval |
Gabriel Fouasnon |
Quansight Labs |
@gabalafou |
What are people working on?#
Ely and Tony
Can we get review on the draft workshop agenda
PoC WebComponents for Jupyter with low level accessibility rules
Discussed more in depth in the prior JupyterLab meeting
Gabriel (Quansight Labs)
Automated accessibility testing
Quansight Labs tracks my work on Jupyter in a public GitHub repo
Feel free to reach out to me on Gitter at @gabalafou or email me gfouasnon@quansight.com
Iâm back working on #8832 as promised. I have some questions on search/filter boxes this week.
Pre-meeting chat
Ely: High contrast colors that help with low vision may aggravate migranes or other disabilities. Customization seems key.
Nick: we could add a PR check to ensure that style values arenât being hard-coded
Shared links:
12.15.21 Meeting Minutes#
What are people working on?#
Accessibility workshop is tomorrow!
Anyone can join in from the community calendar
Getting involved/onboarding needs to support accessibility
Sharing work around summarizing accessibility needs
RTC user identification uses colors. How to use distinct and accessible color palettes is being discussed on jupyterlab/jupyterlab issue #11641.
This issue is based on a thread on jupyterlab/jupyterlab PR #114430
Ely: seems like it needs to be a set of variables defined by the theme since themes can vary so much
Tony shares WCAG 3 will use a new color contrast method called APCA (Advanced Perceptual Contrast Algorithm)
Jupyter accessibility events updates! More updates to come, and you can always reference the quansight-labs/jupyter-accessbility-workshops repo
jupyterlab/jupyterlab PR #11658 is work on color contrast. Iâve gotten some review but thereâs lots to discuss.
Roadmap updates (for CZI grant reporting and community communication) based on all your feedback. You can review the PR Quansight-Labs/jupyter-a11y-mgmt #60. When we get it cleaned up, it will go to jupyter/accessibility so itâs more findable by the community.