Jupyter accessibility meetings 2023
Jupyter accessibility meetings 2023#
January 11, 2023#
Accessible tables with pandas output https://tonyfast.github.io/tonyfast/xxiii/2023-01-02-accessible-dataframes-basic-indexes.html
Darian: I am reviewing Stephannie’s menubar collapsing PR
darian is review this week.
it is hard to know the size of something before it is rendered
completer that measure width https://github.com/jupyterlab/jupyterlab/pull/13663
should we try to turn on
in terminal (xterm.js) or is it fine to keep it off by defaultdoes anyone has time to provide a review for https://github.com/jupyterlab/lumino/pull/477?
related reading: aria-label is a code smell
What Gabriel is currently working on
post meeting: I believe Darian asked during the meeting if someone had done some a11y testing of Google Colab. I found out later that Balaji Alwar did this, using a public notebook. Result is at https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2306166/197913587-bbae1601-d0f4-436b-bd83-6d2ea8892753.png.
January 25, 2023#
Name |
Affiliation |
GitHub |
Favorite html tag |
tony fast |
@tonyfast |
details |
Tania Allard |
Quansight Labs |
@trallard |
Stephannie Jimenez Gacha |
Quansight Labs |
@steff456 |
Martha Cryan |
@marthacryan |
Gabriel Fouasnon |
Quansight Labs |
@gabalafou |
Michal Krassowski |
Quansight |
@krassowski |
Isabela Presedo-Floyd |
Quansight Labs |
@isabela-pf |
progress on testing static notebooks. notebooks for all testing content
how we parameterize notebooks with the jupyter configs.
February 8 2023#
Name |
Affiliation |
GitHub |
Favorite aria role |
tony fast |
@tonyfast |
william stein |
SageMath, Inc |
@williamstein |
a. t. darian |
@afshin |
Gabriel Fouasnon |
Quansight Labs |
@gabalafou |
Stephannie Jimenez Gacha |
Quansight labs |
@steff456 |
R Ely |
Bloomberg |
@ohrely |
Olympia (Les Contes d’Hoffmann) |
[name=Gabriel] Possible office hours question: keyboard shortcuts registered via the JupyterLab command registry are handled on the capture phase, but I have always worked in apps that use bubbling.
Why are keyboard shortcuts implemented how they are?
chord shortcuts were applied. it is a emacs feature. helps entice emacs users in jupyter.
support chords
css specificity
people implement their own keyboard action when it is not a command.
use case: a mini list to make up down l r work.
How are keyboard shortcuts handled?
keyboard shortcuts are composed and executed by the command registry.
this happens at the lumino application layer.
[name=william] A little motivated by Darian’s comment last hour: I’m curious about the accessibility implications of being able to move buttons around in toolbars, reorder menus, etc. It can be confusing because customization has a scope with web apps that is a lot different than say “photoshop”.
[name=tonyfast] semantic tags for notebooks and cells
February 22 2023#
Name |
Affiliation |
GitHub |
Favorite css property |
tony fast |
@tonyfast |
font-size |
Ryan Lovett |
UC Berkeley |
@ryanlovett |
color |
Sylvain Corlay |
QuantStack |
@SylvainCorlay |
border-radius |
Isabela Presedo-Floyd |
Martha Cryan |
William Stein |
SageMath, Inc |
@williamstein |
box-shadow d |
Kseniya Usovich |
R Ely |
Bloomberg |
@ohrely |
all |
Stephannie Jimenez Gacha |
Quansight labs |
@steff456 |
Update on Space Telescope user testing. Results for test 2 are a work in progress.
I am also in the process of lining up JupyterLab-specific user testing. Stay tuned for that!
Axe audit announcement & post.
Draft blog post: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XpRuWqZVlPRHQzNzfP5K8G2fp6QQS288jP4vjSoWnOU/edit?usp=sharing
UI conventions for error vs warning, etc.
What if a single Jupyter notebook cell were a form? Motivation: there’s a LOT of thought about accessibility of forms…
March 8, 2023#
Name |
Affiliation |
GitHub |
tony fast |
@tonyfast |
Isabela Presedo-Floyd |
William Stein |
SageMath |
@williamstein |
Stephannie Jimenez Gacha |
Quansight Labs |
@steff456 |
Gabriel Fouasnon |
Quansight Labs |
@gabalafou |
R Ely |
Bloomberg |
@ohrely |
Blessing Ogoh |
@bl-aire |
Mike |
@krassowski |
William: I’m curious if you have any thoughts about what happens when the cursor is at the top (or bottom) of a markdown cell and you hit the up (or down) arrow. It goes to the previous cell instead of “staying in that form element”. Is this bad from an accessibility point of view? A user complained today about this behavior to me, prompting this issue. Same question makes sense for code cells. (Context: could there be a general “accessibility mode” for Jupyter notebook where the entire approach to navigation is much more standard and accessible, but maybe more awkward for experts?)
User: “I expect arrow keys to only move the cursor in the current form that is being edited.”
Where to put accessibility configuration:
Ely (if time): takeaways from Jupyter for Education Workshop
what format do professors provide students?
teaching and sharing formats are often not the same
export to html is common practice extensions help and cause problems
can fix things, but provide more code to be vulnerable to accessibility failings “slides in latex easier to read”
used to students saying “give me the source”
the need for alt text is there, but writing it is hard.
jupyter is the medium for teaching
Isabela: Updates on JupyterLab accessibility user research. I’m still in the scheduling phase.
March 22, 2023#
Name |
Affiliation |
GitHub |
tony fast |
@tonyfast |
Ryan Lovett |
UC Berkeley |
@ryanlovett |
William Stein |
SageMath |
@williamstein |
Stephannie Jimenez |
Quansight Labs |
@steff456 |
Gabriel Fouasnon |
Quansight Labs |
@gabalafou |
Martha Cryan |
@marthacryan |
Isabela Presedo-Floyd |
Quansight Labs |
@isabela-pf |
Michal Krassowski |
@krassowski |
Sylvain Corlay |
QuantStack |
@SylvainCorlay |
Afshin T. Darian |
QuantStack |
@afshin |
Balaji Alwar |
UC Berkeley |
@balajialg |
Isabela: Updates!
JupyterLab accessibility user research. I’m still in the scheduling phase.
Notebook authoring recommendations.
STScI test two: content write up is on the horizon.
Gabriel updates
Adding automated Axe-core + Playwright testing to PyData Sphinx Theme
The other big thing I’m working on is trying to find UX bugs in a somewhat high-risk PR I made against JupyterLab to remove tab traps from the Notebook area.
One big functional change is that browser focus goes on cell wrappers rather than the notebook node itself. This functional change is reflected in a visual change: there is now a bold outline around the notebook cells as you move focus from cell to cell.
[name=Tony Fast]
crash course of links of i presented at pycascades https://tonyfast.github.io/tonyfast/xxiii/2023-03-18-pycascades-ally-talk.html
axecon last week:
ibm equal access checker ci and extension https://github.com/IBMa/equal-access
combines multiple web and national standards
thoughts about jupyter accessibility
cells as forms in lumino
More contributions upcoming
What is a good way to collect the work that’s been previously done to stop it from getting lost and to help prioritize?
Having all the things that have been done collected is too large for the scope of the work coming up.
Just being responsive should be enough. (Isabela worries about sustaining this but okay.)
GitHub Copilot X (just dropped) got voice control; should I move jupyterlab-voice-control to jupyterlab-contrib? enabling control via via more modalities would be neat
April 5, 2023#
Name |
Affiliation |
GitHub |
A. T. Darian |
QuantStack |
@afshin |
Ryan Lovett |
UC Berkeley |
@ryanlovett |
Gabriel |
Quansight |
@gabalafou |
Ely |
Bloomberg |
@ohrely |
Stephannie Jimenez |
Quansight |
@steff456 |
Tania |
Quansight Labs |
@trallard |
Isabela Presedo-Floyd |
Quansight Labs |
@isabela-pf |
Tony: https://github.com/Iota-School/notebooks-for-all/pull/49 shows progress on a semantic html5 structure for notebook webpages. in this approach, we treat the rendered version of the notebook as an entire interactive web page.
please leave feedback on comments in the pull request
in this structure
the notebook occupies the
tagthe each cell is a row in a
the cell is represented by form components
this approach surfaces interactive elements like links, forms, and overflowing elements to drive focus. it gives a more meaningful navigation experience of rendered notebooks zoomed in, on a screen, and navigated with tabs.
this representation could serve as a starting point for the proper roles and aria for interactive implementations to improve their accessible experience.
Recruiting usability study pariticpants. More information and sign ups at the Jupyter Discourse topic. Please feel free to share it around.
Space Telescope Day of Accessibility registration here. This is a mostly in-person event with some virtual options.
Gabriel’s updates
pydata-sphinx-theme #1260 - my PR to test PST with Playwright and Axe-core is in final rounds of review, should be close to merging.
Next steps: expand tests to touch more parts of the theme, fix issues found, integrate with CI
Hope to close my JupyterLab PRs before next accessibility meeting:
GCHQ in UK. Working on accessibility here now! Wahoo! (Isabela wrote the Wahoo!)
Check out the PR at jupyterlab/jupyterlab #14320.
ARIA work upcoming
April 19, 2023#
Name |
Affiliation |
GitHub |
A. T. Darian |
QuantStack |
@afshin |
Ely R |
Bloomberg |
@ohrely |
Stephannie Jimenez Gacha |
Quansight Labs |
@steff456 |
Michal Krassowski |
@krassowski |
Tania |
Quansight Labs |
@trallard |
Ryan Lovett |
UC Berkeley |
@ryanlovett |
tonyfast |
@tonyfast |
G. Vidal |
ENS de Lyon |
@g-vidal |
Isabela Presedo-Floyd |
Quansight Labs |
@isabela-pf |
Balaji Alwar |
UC Berkeley |
@balajialg |
turns out there are more guidelines beyond WCAG for authoring tools. ATAG are guidelines specific for accessible authoring experiences. ATAG is part of series of guidelines including WCAG and UAAG.
Chartability for ensuring that data visualizations, systems, and interfaces are accessible. https://github.com/Chartability/POUR-CAF
Do No Harm Guide: Applying Equity Awareness in Data Visualization
Request for a place where we can track/compare different recommendations. Venn diagram-style?
Interest in having a list of the status of different guidelines. ie. number out of total number guideline compliance per set.
Isabela was working on a JupyterLab accessibility statement - think keeping that updated to report on effort would be a good step
Still recruiting usability study participants. More information and sign ups at the Jupyter Discourse topic. Please feel free to share it around.
Draft: notebook authoring checklist. This will eventually be submitted to be linked in Jupyter repos as well.
Merged :tada: jupyterlab PR Make file browser respond to focussed elements #13577
Merged :tada: pydata-sphinx-theme PR Accessibility test Kitchen Sink with Playwright #1260
follow ups: fixes, expand tests, better reporting
Not merged but working on today and getting close to taking out of draft mode: jupyterlab PR Fix tab trap notebook cells #14115
Preparing for talk at JupyterCon about automated accessibility testing
Organizing accessibility docs plan - happy to hear thoughts about them
Long-term planning: idea for Accessible (and higher-performance) icons #14402
Good-first issue: Styled input checkbox focus state is not visible on Ubuntu/Firefox #14354
NVDA (screen reader) uses robot testing. We might benefit from following their lead.
May 3, 2023#
Name |
Affiliation |
GitHub |
tonyfast |
@tonyfast |
Ryan Lovett |
UC Berkeley |
@ryanlovett |
Ely |
Bloomberg |
@ohrely |
Gabriel |
Quansight |
@gabalafou |
Stephannie Jimenez Gacha |
Quansight Labs |
@steff456 |
GĂ©rard Vidal |
ENS de Lyon |
@g-vidal |
SSC + EC update contents (Ely)
Quanstack worked toward accessibility testing compliance https://blog.jupyter.org/improving-the-accessibility-of-jupyter-6c695db518d3
Quansight developed a theming extension with varying accessible themes https://github.com/Quansight-Labs/jupyterlab-accessible-themes - Defines a set of JupyterLab themes compliant to WCAG color standards. Currently we have color blindness friendly themes!
400% Zoom audit - some fixes had already been included in both JupyterLab and Lumino
Notebook 7 audit
Notebooks for all is a collaboration with the Space Telescope Science Institute that in including disabled people in the testing of Jupyter notebooks and improvements in notebooks accessibility. https://github.com/Iota-School/notebooks-for-all
[Gabriel] At Quansight Labs, we had an intern working on JupyterLab and accessibility and she wrote a blog post about her internship
[Gabriel] Added some accessibility regression tests (tab traps, focus visible), working on making easy-to-use GitHub actions to run accessibility tests, incubating at Quansight-Labs/jupyter-a11y-testing
What is our group’s purpose?
Consistency, fostering advocacy
What we want to say
Put accessibility concerns earlier (a11y in the planning phase)
and consider at every phase of development
We recognize that this is not simple to scope, but neither is security
Funding for events to teach developers about accessibility
What happens if Jupyter fails to close accessibility gaps and ed institutions are forced to not use it?
Gabriel’s update:
Took a PR out of draft mode that removes tab traps from the Notebook widget
On the PR there is a discussion about how to style focus indicators on the code cell
May 17, 2023#
Name |
Affiliation |
GitHub |
tonyfast |
@tonyfast |
stephannie Jimenez Gacha |
Quansight |
@steff456 |
nick bollweg |
Georgia Tech |
@bollwyvl |
Afshin T. Darian |
QuantStack |
@afshin |
Ryan Lovett |
UC Berkeley |
@ryanlovett |
T |
@t03857785 |
Michal Krassowski |
Quansight |
@krassowski |
add any agenda items or topics in the list below.
Jupytercon executive council meeting
a cool experience. 6 executive members and software steering council members in a hot room.
4 minute update about the project progress we collectively discussed last meeting.
darian: There is a positive feeling on this subproject and the things we want to deliver
meaningful amount of funding
put your ideas in the list below. use the community workshop submission structure.
Review of accessibility issues reported and if they are still live how to replicate
Pay for topics or audits for specific components
Use money to solve problems start to finish
Community building workshops
Fix some 400% zoom issues! We already have an audit with some tasks that can be done.
Documentation on accessible features in both the user and developer side.
Notebook authoring guide docs - https://github.com/jupyter/accessibility/pull/127
WCAG & ARIA intro - https://github.com/jupyter/accessibility/pull/126
Added PR 14560 to add HTML dialog and 14561 to improve text spacing on home page
Not able to work on the notebooks for all project but will work on supporting elements if possible
has long term impact because of the base class it effects.
PR can be modified to remove the dialog base class for the moment if useful
Next issues on list are 400% zoom and keyboard navigation of menus with good aria prompts
informing the jupyterlab5/notebook8 roadmap
tf: What does accessibility mean to you all?
Use of Microsoft Narrator. Close eyes and follow along and see if it makes sense.
tf: would be good to know what screen reader / assistive device is being used. tag in issues?
May 31, 2023#
Name |
Affiliation |
GitHub |
tonyfast |
@tonyfast |
T & P |
@t03857785 |
Isabela |
Quansight Labs |
@isabela-pf |
Gabriel |
Quansight Labs |
@gabalafou |
Ryan |
UC Berkeley |
@ryanlovett |
Blessing |
@bl-aire |
Mike |
Quansight |
@krassowski |
Tania |
Quansight |
@trallard |
Andrii |
@andrii-i |
We are continuing to work on full keyboard access and 400% zoom then will move onto aria labelling and contrast to support additional requirements
Tania: dropping the link to the Zoom audit findings and suggested fixes from a few months back https://github.com/Quansight-Labs/jupyterlab-accessible-themes/issues/34
Fix skiplink and add placeholder for additional skiplinks https://github.com/jupyterlab/jupyterlab/pull/14597
elements respond to enter or spacebar https://github.com/jupyterlab/lumino/pull/590/
Added “tabindex=0” for sidebar accessibility https://github.com/jupyterlab/lumino/pull/583
changing focus is needed for skip links
how do i focus the left/right panel? Make something active (or choose active element) then focus
setting active is seperate from focus and current, active does not update focus. Changing focus is a two step process.
JupyterLab accessibility study has been run. I’m handling logistics and working on a wrap up.
Space Telescope and rendered notebooks accessibility most recent study results are up as a PR.
Updates since last meeting I attended:
Created new JupyterLab test for focus visible
As part of getting test in #33 (above) to pass, I’ve been working on some focus issues with the Lumino MenuBar.
I have found a document titled Developing a Keyboard Interface from the ARIA Authoring Pratices Guide (APG) to be useful.
cell semantics - https://github.com/Iota-School/notebooks-for-all/pull/63
Link from Nick: 1EdTech Guidelines for Developing Accessible Learning Applications
Notebook 7 is close to release, there are still 14 open accessibility problems in issue #6800 (https://github.com/jupyter/notebook/issues/6800). We need to identify which one of them (if any) should be release blockers. During the notebook call we defined release blockers as problems that prevent people from using major features of the Notebook.
Links to open accessibility PRs that we discussed during call (overtime):
Note (Gabriel): I think we will want to stick as close to the UI/UX patterns defined in the ARIA Authoring Practices Guide (APG) Patterns when making changes to Lumino or JupyterLab
June 14, 2023#
Name |
Affiliation |
GitHub |
tonyfast |
@tonyfast |
T & P |
@t03857785 |
Gabriel |
Quansight Labs |
@gabalafou |
Ely |
Bloomberg |
@ohrely |
Andrii |
@andrii-i |
Afshin T. Darian |
QuantStack |
@afshin |
Stephannie Jimenez Gacha |
Quansight |
@steff456 |
Mike |
Quansight |
@krassowski |
Tania Allard |
Quansight Labs |
@trallard |
Balaji |
UC Berkeley |
@balajialg |
Thank you everyone for the feedback on https://github.com/jupyter/notebook/issues/6800, really appreciated, helps us prioritize work
Next step would be splitting 6800 into separate issues. If someone has bandwidth, help would be much appreciated
(Gab) I pretty much volunteered myself to do this in yesterday’s triage meeting
Thanks for feedback on PRs @fcollonval really helpful, looking at moving skiplinks to a dialog so it takes it out of widget layout any tips concerns would be useful
We are going to review and resubmit a couple of our outstanding PRs following some lessons learnt any idea when 4.0.x will be released as we want to do a pass of everything together to find the gaps
Initial 400% zoom changes are in PR any feedback welcome
Tania - we should be able to share some findings on keyboard navigation from some paid user testing sessions Isabela led (with disabled folks) in the upcoming couple of months. Repo with our user-testing env https://github.com/Quansight-Labs/JupyterLab-user-testing
Gabriel’s updates since May 31
Reviewed many (but not all) open PRs tagged with accessibility
Watched a bunch of videos to better understand Lumino architecture
Engaged in discussion with Tony and Darian yesterday during the Rethinking Notebook Cells meeting about making the HTML output of the JupyterLab notebook widget (also used by Notebook 7) more semantic and accessible
Discussion: how do we make a better experience for newcomers?
(Ely suggestion) A scripted intro to the meeting
More structure to the meetings
(t03857785 feedback) Spending more time creating accessibility issues and marking them as “good first issues”
(t03857785 feedback) It would be helpful to know how to navigating the code base and knowing what a good change looks like
add links to beginner resources (and issues) at top of HackMD
Link to issues filtered by “accessibility” and “good first issue”, rather than maintaining a list
Exemplary issues -
dialog issue is a good example
(Tania elaboration) responding to G&T’s feeback about navigating the codebase. This has been the hardest and longest part of onboarding developers. Not sure
(Ely) drawing attention to comment left by Mike in chat: “Good first issues in lab usually have a link to codebase e.g. https://github.com/jupyterlab/jupyterlab/issues/14354”
Something for us to keep in mind: maybe we don’t need to solve the a11y issue in front of us, but to give enough context for somebody else to solve it, and then we move on to work on other, harder issues
On context and issues (Mike): this is >relatively< easy to fix for new “good first issues” by modifying triage docs saying that triage team should add the links and context before labelling as “good first issue”
Discussion around having quarterly workshops
Ely suggests making the logistics as automateable as possible, so for example have it be the first Wednesday of each quarter, so that sending out announcements and the like can be automated
(Gab) Keep in mind the difference between “recruiting” versus “onboarding” (workshops may address issue of recruiting more than onboarding)
(Tania) raises point that HackMD is bad for screen reader users. (P&T) echoes point.
Sounds like Google Docs may be better alternative?
Tania - I hear Etherpad is a good alternative
Meet next week to begin a community proposal for accessibility.
Add an event to the calendar
Announce in the lab meeting
June 21, 2023#
Name |
Affiliation |
GitHub |
tonyfast |
@tonyfast |
Blessing Ogoh |
@bl-aire |
screen reader workshop https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F189lurxSbs&list=PLCPZgcYzVpj_WHHCTUpec8THYEMzXZnR1&index=6
funding for keyboard navigation
keyboard navigation issues below
a goal is to figure out community events
GCHQ - accessibility means different things to different people
concern is that things can go backwards.
bug bash would be supported
like a security policy, what is the accessibility
[Day of Accessibility Proposal] w iota school
June 28, 2023#
Name |
Affiliation |
GitHub |
tonyfast |
@tonyfast |
Gabriel |
Quansight |
@gabalafou |
Stephannie Jimenez Gacha |
Quansight |
@steff456 |
T & P |
@t03857785 |
Ryan Lovett |
UC Berkeley |
@ryanlovett |
Isabela Presedo-Floyd |
Quansight Labs |
@isabela-pf |
A. T. Darian |
QuantStack |
@afshin |
Tania Allard |
Quansight Labs |
@trallard |
proto issue for notebook v7 remediations to improve the quality of the annotation object model https://tonyfast.github.io/tonyfast/xxiii/2023-06-21-v7-aom.html
jupyterlite will be helpful in testing the screen reader experience.
maybe a prerelease before notebook release
this is not a blocker, but a really nice to have.
Gabriel’s updates
I have had discussions on how to move forward my PR #14115 to fix tab traps in the notebook widget
I have been in conversations with Tony and Darian on how to instrument research findings from Notebooks for All to JupyterLab and Notebook 7.
Result of those discussions: @afshin and @gabalafou (me) will be working on Implement ARIA recommendations from Notebooks for All #14765
Question: where should the branch/PR for the above issue live? I started a tiny bit of notebook ARIA code
Answer: Improve Notebook ARIA #14768 based off my
Opened a PR to apply @fcollonval’s suggestions to fix @t03857785’s JupyterLab PR #14597: Fix skiplink and add placeholder for additional skiplinks
Spent a lot of time thinking about and wrote up my thoughts about the past, present, and future of the skiplink in JupyterLab
Thanks to @gabalafou for the PR approved and merged
Need consideration on how to move skiplinks forward command palatte seems a good approach to build on
400% zoom https://github.com/jupyterlab/jupyterlab/pull/14766 created as https://github.com/jupyterlab/jupyterlab/pull/14626 broke when syncing should be ready for merging once approved
Keyboard navigation https://github.com/jupyterlab/lumino/pull/590 is complete apart from running “yarn run api”
open an issue about building notebook v7 on jupyterlab prs
this will help testing changes in notebook through lab
Tania volunteered to help with this -> Darian will tag Tony and Tania on the issue
July 12, 2023#
Name |
Affiliation |
GitHub |
T & P |
@t03857785 |
Afshin T. Darian |
QuantStack |
@afshin |
Stephannie Jimenez Gacha |
Quansight |
@steff456 |
R Ely |
Bloomberg |
@ohrely |
Following PRs are open it would be great to get these merged as well as tht latest version of lumino into Jupyterlab asin combination they cover a significant amount of keyboard and zoom accessibility
We are working on
Status bar keyboard accessibility and usability at high zoom
Screen reader compatibility with keyboard navigation
Aria announcements for command palette executions
What Gabriel has been up to:
Reviewing JupyterLab accessible themes by Stephannie
Reviewing JupyterLab user testing results by Isabela
Action item: Notebook v7 announcement - everyone please take a look at it for messaging around accessibility and weigh in if you have thoughts
July 26, 2023#
Name |
Affiliation |
GitHub |
Gabriel |
Quansight Labs |
@gabalafou |
T & P |
@t03857785 |
tonyfast |
@tonyfast |
Isabela Presedo-Floyd |
Quansight Labs |
@isabela-pf |
A. T. Darian |
QuantStack |
@afshin |
R Ely |
Bloomberg |
@ohrely |
Gabriel’s update: finishing up deliverables for CZI JupyterLab accessibility grant, which is coming to an end. This includes pushing forward on fixing tab traps, fixing focus management in the Lumino menubar, finishing up a focus visible regression test, and creating accessibility docs.
JupyterLab user testing results are up for review.. Once merged I’ll pass a PR over to jupyter/surveys as well for continuity.
Notebooks for all (STScI) user testing results have a PR to add to jupyter/surveys.
I’m working on getting the Notebooks for all (STScI) proposal document into jupyter/accessibility’s proposal directory so we keep building references for funding accessibility work in Jupyter.
I spoke about accessibile notebook authoring recommendations at SciPy (conference). The recording is supposed to be up shortly. You can have the slides.
T & P and Tony
Community event updates
Looking for review on What does accessibility mean for Jupyter? A Jupyter Community Event proposal
T & P
Following PRs are open it would be great to get these merged as well as tht latest version of lumino into Jupyterlab asin combination they cover a significant amount of keyboard and zoom accessibility
We are working on
Screen reader compatibility with keyboard navigation
Aria announcements for command palette executions
CSS Style Validator may cause some issues with complex CSS for accessibility notes in ticket on a workaround
(Special?) meeting time that works for Gabriela
Perhaps we can move this meeting to 9am Pacific on Thursdays every other week (and alternating with Jupyter Server contributing hour), Darian will raise this issue at tomorrow’s Jupyter Server and Kernels call
blog post
testing is ill defined. we need to work on our definitions
[Gab] trying to integrate feedback from Isabela, I’m guessing that probably the blog post needs messaging around the idea that, okay, here we are down the line, we’ve closed a bunch of accessibility-labeled PRs in a Notebook 7 milestone that came out of auditing the software, but that does not ladder up to certainty that the software is for sure more accessible (without user feedback and user testing)
August 10, 2023#
Name |
Affiliation |
GitHub |
Afshin T. Darian |
QuantStack |
@afshin |
Blessing |
@bl-aire |
Mike |
Quansight |
@krassowski |
Stephannie Jimenez |
Quansight |
@steff456 |
R Ely |
Bloomberg |
@ohrely |
T & P |
@t03857785 |
Johnson |
Qaunsight |
@dannyjohnson2050 |
Gabriel |
Quansight Labs |
@gabalafou |
Isabela Presedo-Floyd |
Quansight Labs |
@isabela-pf |
If we have time, I’d like to ask for a little more info on the motivation behind the draft event proposal.
Tania (not attending, this time is challenging for me): I reviewed this. First thank you for working on this. I’d also appreciate knowing more about the motivation as I do not have clarity and that reflects on the comments.
JupyterLab user testing results are up for review in jupyter/surveys. Looking for review and merge.
🎉Notebooks for all (STScI) user testing results have been merged to jupyter/surveys.
🎉The Notebooks for all (STScI) proposal document is public. I have a PR open to add it to jupyter/accessibility’s proposal directory. Looking for review and merge.
I’ve cleared my plate of required deliverables from my job, so I should have a little more self-directed time over the next few weeks.
JupyterLab keyboard brainstorming
Seeking input on organizing a group video chat
Some stuff I’ve been working on:
Adding a dev-focussed accessibility page to the JupyterLab docs
Moving along Lumino menu bar focus/hover PR
Testing above PR against a focus visible test so took the focus-visible test PR out of draft mode
T & P
PRs remain open be great to get some more merged
Looking at adding tests for
400% zoom
keyboard navigation
high contrast visibility
I wanted to make mention on the work I’ve done on the “accessibility section in the user JupyterLab documentation” and the progress myself and Stephannie are making on the project.
Should JupyterLab have “accessibility” settings plugin for things we do not want as default?