Contributing to jupyter/accessibility#

This Team Compass is a guide for team members of jupyter/accessibility and the broader community to navigate the project and keep track of the accessibility-related initiatives in the Jupyter ecosystem.

If you see information that is out of date, propose an edit in the jupyter/accessibility repository. To propose an edit directly from the documentation, click on the GitHub icon on the top of any page and then on the Suggest an edit menu item.

Issues and labels#

Before you open a new issue, please check if any of our open issues cover your idea already. If you open a new issue, please follow our basic guidelines laid out in our issue templates.

We have a number of labels in the repository - this helps us orient ourselves around what type of contribution is needed as well as to signal the type of skills this might involve. You can see the full list of issue labels in our jupyter/accessibility repository.

Making a Change with a Pull Request#

The following steps are a guide to help you contribute in a way that will be straightforward for everyone to review and move forward.

  1. Comment on an existing issue or open a new issue referencing your addition

    This allows other members of team to confirm that you aren’t overlapping with work that’s currently underway and that everyone is on the same page with the goal of the work you’re going to carry out or proposing.

  2. Fork the jupyter/accessibility repository

    This is now your own unique copy of jupyter/accessibility. Changes here won’t affect anyone else’s work, so it’s a safe space to explore edits to the content!

  3. Make the changes you’ve discussed

    Try to keep the changes focused. If you submit a large amount of work all in one go it will be much more work for whoever is reviewing your pull request.

    While making your changes, commit often and write self-explanatory commit messages. This blog by Chris Beams explains how to write a good Git commit message and why it matters. It is also perfectly fine to have a lot of commits - including ones that break code.

  4. Submit a Pull Request (PR)

We encourage you to open a pull request as early in your contributing process as possible. This allows everyone to see what is currently being worked on. It also provides you, the contributor, feedback in real-time from both the community and the continuous integration as you make commits (which will help prevent stuff from breaking).

A member of jupyter/accessibility team will then review your changes to confirm that they can be merged into the main repository. A review will probably consist of a few questions to help clarify the work you’ve done. Keep an eye on your GitHub notifications and be prepared to join in that conversation 🔔.

Making Changes to the Team Compass#

Adding Content#

The source for the Team Compass content is located in the docs directory and is organized under the following chapters:

  • Accessibility Efforts - content is located in docs/resources

  • Community - Community Meetings and Events - located in docs/community

  • Community - Contribute to Jupyter Accessibility - located in docs/contribute

  • Accessibility resources - located in docs/resources

  • Funded Accessibility Work - located in docs/funding

Additionally, the landing page is located in docs/

Adding a New Chapter#

  1. Create a new directory under docs/ and a file, which will be the top page of the new section.

  2. Add a new chapter in the Table of contents docs/_toc.yml.

  3. As you add more sections in the new chapter, make sure to add the corresponding file entries in the Table of contents docs/_toc.yml.

Adding a New Section to a Chapter#

  1. Create a new .md file in the most suitable directory within docs/.

  2. Add the file path to the file entry in the Table of contents docs/_toc.yml.

Pre-commit Hooks#

This repository uses the prettier pre-commit hook to standardize our YAML and markdown structure.

  1. Before you can run the hooks, you need to install the pre-commit package manager:

    # using pip
    pip install pre-commit
    # if you prefer using conda
    conda install -c conda-forge pre-commit
  2. From the root of this project, install the git hook scripts:

    # install the pre-commit hooks
    pre-commit install

Optional- run the hooks against the files in this repository

# run the pre-commit hooks
pre-commit run --all-files

Once installed, the pre-commit hooks will run automatically when you make a commit in version control.

Building the Team Compass#

The Team Compass is built with the Jupyter Book documentation engine.

Follow the instructions below to build the Team Compass on your local computer.

Automatically with nox#

The easiest way to build the documentation in this repository is to use the nox automation tool, a tool for quickly building environments and running commands within them. This ensures that your environment has all the dependencies needed to build the documentation.

To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Install nox

    pip install nox
  2. Build the documentation:

    nox -s docs

    This should create a local environment in a .nox folder, build the documentation (as specified in the configuration), and the output will be in docs/_build/html.

Optional: build live documentation that updates when you update local files, run the following command instead:

nox -s docs-live

Manually with conda#

If you wish to manually build the documentation, you can use conda to do so.

  1. Create a conda environment to build the documentation.

    conda env create -n a11y-team-compass-docs python=3.9
  2. Activate the new environment and install the rest of the dependencies:

    conda activate a11y-team-compass-docs
    conda install -f docs/requirements.txt -c conda-forge
  3. Build the documentation:

    jupyterbook build docs

This will generate the HTML for the documentation in the docs/_build/html folder. You may preview the documentation by opening any of the .html files inside.